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My Inspired Heart

  • You Can Lead A Horse To Water

    Have you ever been asked for advice or assistance and then become frustrated when the person seemed either resistant to what you were offering or ...
  • Choices, For Better or Worse

    One of life's greatest challenges is accepting that others' choices are their own and that we should not attempt to override them. Consider this: ...
  • The Animals Need Us So Very Much

    I admit, I'm struggling, and have been for quite some time now. Sometimes I close my eyes at night and as I'm thinking about my day and the blessi...
  • The Theft of Innocence

      Children are freshly-minted human beings. They are innocent, filled with wonder, and are infinitely impressionable. They are this planet's futur...
  • Winter Solstice Yuletide

     Winter Solstice / Yule is always a strong reminder for me of the soul's true origins. Last night I was meditating and had a surprising vision tha...
  • Sacred Vessel Wellness & Healing Presents...

    Holographic Whole-Body Immunity--- Just the mention of Covid-19 sends chills down one's spine. I believe the media always finds something 'sensatio...
  • Letting Go, Letting God (Direct Your Life)

      I'm not a 'religious' person. Organized religion feels restrictive and fear-based to me. When I use the term God, I mean the Divine being who is...
  • It Is OK If You Don't Like Me

    I think one of the most difficult lessons in life is to come to an acceptance and understanding of the fact that you will not be everyone's cup...
  • Angels Among Us

    When we think of angels, we will typically envision otherworldly beings with wings...and don't get me wrong, those do exist, as I have had my ow...
  • When You're Weary, Feeling Small.....

    Dear Friends, For the last few weeks I have been counseling clients on how to rise up from the ashes of Covid-19 and put the pieces back togethe...
  • The Best Option Is Hope

    No question, this is an unprecedented time in our planet's history. Most were no more prepared for this than they'd be for aliens to land...b...
  • Mapping A New Normal

    Times like this can cause deep stress and worry even to those who are spiritually awake and in a position of spiritual direction as a calling. I h...