When You're Weary, Feeling Small.....

Dear Friends,
For the last few weeks I have been counseling clients on how to rise up from the ashes of Covid-19 and put the pieces back together by building something new and improved. Be the Phoenix, I have said. Come back stronger and wiser.
In the midst of the pandemic, I've had my own crises. I am only human, with a bit of magick peppered in, most days. I absolutely adore helping people, and additionally animals. As a deeply loving Libra, I shudder at the thought of ANYONE being harmed. But lately, harm seems to be all around. I make a habit of reserving my own trials and tribulations for my private life. But...recently I've had another issue with my beloved Piper. She has Rabies Vaccine-Induded Vasculitis on her right rear hip, beneath the skin. There is a lesion, and she is being treated with a medication, to see if we can cure the problem non-invasively. I am hopeful but I understand that these kinds of things can turn to sarcoma when not recognized and treated rapidly. Her vets, 3 of them, in all the time (for 2 years we've been trying to find out the cause of the intense itching in this spot) I had her in for this issue, never recognized that a rabies vaccine could be the culprit of her agonizing itching in that area. Why not, why did they not know? As the pet owner and not the doctor, I knew nothing of it, never knew it could even happen, but I feel they should have known, especially the practice owner. There is no outcome yet, we're halfway there, only. She seems really healthy and happy otherwise :-) Perhaps we'll be lucky.
I understand that there are A LOT of retrogrades in the planetary realm right now, so this month will have rough and rocky waters. We've jumped from a dangerous pandemic to virtual anarchy across the country.....and I wonder, dare we HOPE? Seems HOPE is in short, short supply. So what is going on?
There is a lesson that, unfortunately, humanity just HASN'T GOTTEN. So, the UNIVERSE is bringing down the gavel.This is what I said with the pandemic, and on the end of that sentence I said, 'But, if we wise up to the fact that ALL ARE ONE, we will have learned, and we will recover and be better'---as Caroline says in Riding the Phoenix, her latest webinar series.
But hold on....that apparently is not where it ends. Gavel # 2 (the killing, rioting, looting, anarchy) is coming down, and it HURTS. This is where I dig around in my bag of HOPE frantically looking for something worthwhile to offer, something that will soothe, inspire, heal. I feel like I MUST find something, before its too late to help those who depend on me to, often literally, save them.
OK, OK.....hang on. If I've learned nothing else from enduring this Earth life that I am well aware I (pre-birth) designed for myself, I have learned this. Sometimes in order to reach paradise, we just have to keep walking, with HOPE in our hearts, slaying the snakes (rebirths) and begging for one raindrop in the desert. The human spirit is a beautiful thing. When it needs to survive, it CAN. But the will has to be there. The belief that in all of this chaos and decay, we can find vision enough to look down the road and sense the destination, before it is in sight.
I pray you understand. Stop taking sides, stop letting the media stir up your fear and hatred. Drop the need to join in perpetuating the harm. Instead, decide to sit still, send love to the Utopian vision you have in your mind's eye, and never, ever compromise your dream of a better world. Even if you're not here to see it, maybe your soul will be flying around after you depart this life, in the place of no time/space, and see that Earth has made it to the ascension that we had previously only dreamed of.
But I will be on to the next/higher dimension. Its not that I don't like being in physical form, its just that I'd like to experience a universal love where I don't have to look to humanity to bring it all together because its like a baby trying to drive a mac truck. We're a mess right now, but that shouldn't make you give up. Why not? Because there is so much raw material to work with, eventually we'll find where the pieces are meant to go.
Love & Blessings; Stay Safe~
Rev. Paula ∞
Namaste my dear friend 🙏